Photo of Jean Herrera Venezuela

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Jean Herrera. Born in Caracas Venezuela in 1979. He studied Graphic Arts Technician, Option (Graph) in the EAV "Cristóbal Rojas". Caracas, during 1997-03. Currently he...

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Photo of Jean Herrera Venezuela

Jean Herrera. Born in Caracas Venezuela in 1979. He studied Graphic Arts Technician, Option (Graph) in the EAV "Cristóbal Rojas". Caracas, during 1997-03. Currently he studies degree in fine arts, in the first class specialty: Photography and Image Processing, in the IUESAPAR. (Instituto Universitario de Estudios Superiores de Artes Plástica "Armando Reveron) in Caracas, the organization that is part the core UNEARTE (National Experimental University of the Arts), newly created institution.

Since 1997, dedicated to photography, projects and essays by black and white of the city of Caracas and other states. Since 2000 she has also on the Conservation of Works of Art on paper, is a specialist in boxes and portfolios for files (photographs, drawings, prints. Etc) formed in the CICC (Center for Integrated Collections) led by Alvaro Gonzalez entity recognized Works of Art Curator of Venezuela, and he worked for 6 years participating in projects such as: file Conservation Plans, Documents and Photos of UCV Conservation of photographs, documents, manuscripts and coins of the Foundation for Urban Culture in the Collection: Karl Heinz Krause, (Drawing and Painting) by Laura Schlageter Krause and many more-

His photographs have been exhibited in museums and galleries in and outside the country at the same time he has participated in many salons nationwide, in which are: Caracas City Revealed 2008, the First International Biennial of Photography in Venezuela, held in Alejandro Otero Museum in 2006, in the 1st Month of Photography in Venezuela in Caracas, an event sponsored by the Embassy of France in 2003 and in the exhibition "One World, several points of view", shows where photographers attended the prestigious Agency MAGNUMPHOTOS, opened at the Museo de Arte Moderno Jesús Soto in Ciudad Bolivar in 2006 and the Museo Alejandro Otero in Caracas in 2007 then being the youngest photographer.

His images have been published for example on the cover of latest issue of the journal Twenty Bigott Foundation and the journal Communication on three occasions. He has given workshops on the picture to institutions like CENAFV (National Center of Photography in Venezuela) and IART, also was a facilitator of the seminar exploratory IUESAPAR photography for over 4 semesters, urrently working with this institution in different publications related to photography and art. Lives and develop their work in the Valles del Tuy. Edo. Miranda.


2000-01. Advanced Photography. Cuban Photographer: Ramón Grandal.
1999-00. Conservation Photography Archive. Conservator of Works: Álvaro González.
1996-97. Drawing "I". Plastic Artist: Pedro Rivas. EAV "Cristóbal Rojas".


2003. Obscene images, photographs of Robert Mapplethorpe. Photographer: Albert Frangieh.
1999. History and Evolution of Photography. Cuban photographer Gilda Perez.
1999. The Industrial Design Photography. Photographer: Daniel Azocar.
1999. Poetry in Photography. Photographer: Albert Frangieh.
1998. Fashion Photography. Photographer: Frank Beufrand.


2000-04. Works on Paper Conservator in the Preservation Department of the ICAC (Comprehensive Conservation Center Collections) Esp in boxes, files and portfolios for (photographs, drawings, etc.)..
Projects in the CICC:
Conservation Project plan file, documents and photos of the UCV.

Urban Culture Foundation (Econoinvest) Photos, documents, manuscripts and coins.
Collection: Karl Heinz Krause, (Drawing and Painting) by Laura Schlageter Krause.
Collection: Fundación Cisneros.
Collection: Valentina and Ignacio Oberto.
Collection: Gustavo Marturet.
Collection: Patricia Phelps de Cisneros.
Collection: Clarisa Belutini Bethlehem.
Founded: Botanical Institute of Venezuela (UCV) Henri Library Pythias.
Foundation: Banco Mercantil.
Foundation: National Art Gallery. ? Founded: Alejandro Otero.
Foundation: Ethnomusicology and Folklore (FUNDEF)
Foundation: Polar.
Founded: Bigott.
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas (MACSI).
Museum of Modern Art in Maracay.
Museum of Design and Engraving "Carlos Cruz Diez"
2000. Photographer Audiovisual Division 0:24 UCV, Venezuela's Central University.
2000. Asst. Of Museology, Festival of Light, International Event Photography, bugles.

Parts of the city (parts of Caracas).
From the Plains to the Andes "A Hat."
Religions, beliefs and sacrifices.
Notes of an Invisible City.
Reflection and Stained Glass.
Retrautos (portraits).
1968. (Collage).
Que Onda. (Collage).

2008. 2Ra. Individual: "Passages of the City", excerpts from Caracas. Yaracuy.
2008. Collective: "Bodies sensitive" Additional students IUESAPAR (Instituto Universitario de Estudios Superiores de Artes Armando Reveron) Caracas.
2008. CITY CARCES DISCLOSED Community program. Museum of Fine Arts. Caracas.
2007. LETTERS TO THE BARRIO, the awakening of memory. Museo Jacobo Borges. Caracas.
2007. SALON XXVII National Visual Arts Juan Lovera. " Banco Industrial de Venezuela. Caracas.
2007. ONE WORLD, OTHER POINTS OF VIEW, Meeting with Remarkable photographers, Magnum photographers and Venezuelans. Museo Alejandro Otero, La Rinconada, Caracas.
2006. ONE WORLD, OTHER POINTS OF VIEW, Meeting with Remarkable photographers. , Venezuelan Magnum photographers. Museo de Arte Moderno Jesús Soto, Ciudad Bolívar.
2006. Collective: "Bodies sensitive" Additional students IUESAPAR National Center of Photography (fundacenafv) Caracas.
2006. 1st. Individual: "Parts of the City", excerpts from Caracas. National Center of Photography (fundacenafv) Caracas.
2006. Germany, Frankfurter Volksbank, Schweizer Straße 39 (Frankfurt, Germany).
2006. I International Biennial of Photography in Venezuela, Museo Alejandro Otero, Caracas.
2006. Hall "John Lover", Fundación Arturo Michelena. Industrial Bank, Avenida Universidad, Caracas.
2005. Hall "John Lover", Fundación Arturo Michelena. Industrial Bank, Avenida Universidad, Caracas.
2005. V Hall College of Art. Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas.
2005. MEGA EXPOSURE. Homenaje a Jesús Soto Museum of Prints and Design Carlos Cruz Diez, Caracas
2005. OF VENEZUELA TO GERMANY, master's thesis defense (graffiti, artistic heritage.) Collective, shows graphics and photographs. Museum of the Print and Design Carlos Cruz Diez, Caracas.
2004. IV Salon de Arte Universitario. Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas.
2004. "Four houses down around the corner." Photography Collective. UCV (Faculty of Arch.)
2003. 1st Month of Photography. Caracas (25 of Sep to 26 September) by the Embassy of France:
Individual (Collage), Series: "QUE ONDA. Tecnics-sciences library, Level Aquarium, CC Sambil.
Collective (Photo), series: From the Plains to the Andes "A Hat" (Merida, Trujillo). Medici Gallery, Calle Paris, Las Mercedes.
2003. Works for Peace, Fundación Arturo Michelena. Industrial Bank, Avenida Universidad, Caracas.
2002-03. Hall "John Lover", Fundación Arturo Michelena. Industrial Bank, Avenida Universidad, Caracas.


2007. TWENTY. "Caracas City is not" Bigott Magazine Foundation. Year 4. 17
2006. Communication Magazine. Art Photography.: Sensitive body.
2005. Communication Magazine. Art Photography.: PASSAGES OF THE CITY (parts of Caracas).
2003. 1st Month of Photography. Caracas (25 of Sep to 26 September) by the French Embassy.
Essay: Plains of the Andes "A Hat", "QUE ONDA" (collage).
2003. Arte al Dia, a newspaper art. Art From the Plains to the Andes "A Hat."


Foundation for Urban Culture: Series: "Caracas Oculta"
Museo Jacobo Borges: Series: "Flowers and Faces

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